Understanding Poverty

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Poverty is when a person or family lacks the financial resources and essentials for a minimum standard of living. It means that the total of all sources of income, including employment, is so low that basic human necessities can’t be met.

Basic human necessities include housing, rent, utilities, transportation, healthy food, medications, dental care, and other health-related costs such as eyeglasses or counselling.

People living in poverty are survivors  many need support to overcome barriers and break the generational cycle.

Barriers include lack of full-time living wage jobs, access to daycare, insufficient training for available jobs, cost of training programs to qualify for jobs, and personal challenges due to unmet basic human necessities such as housing and transportation. Emotional challenges caused by stress, isolation, and depression can lead to other problems such as substance abuse, and a continued cycle of poverty.

RAMP has partnered with local organizations who work to help people overcome barriers and lift themselves out of poverty. For more information on how our partners make a lasting difference have a look at these stories from people who changed their lives, with a little help. Then please consider supporting our Programs that Lift.

Jim’s Story

Kacey’s Story

“Fighting poverty is not aid. It’s an investment” – Chuck Hagel