Now is the time to begin transformation out of poverty in Muskoka

Letter to the editor: Following a recent Residents Against Muskoka Poverty (RAMP) planning meeting, I wish to share this brief commentary “In My View,” July 2022. 

Together Muskoka must create positive change for a more inclusive future for all who live, work, play and love Muskoka. 

Poverty has been a reality and obstacle impacting our society for generations. I would like to challenge each and everyone of us (individuals, families, businesses, government and the charitable sector) to dedicate ourselves to using the exceptional collective knowledge, talent and creativity we possess to put systemic poverty in our rear-view mirror. So that everyone and every family has an opportunity for dignity, security of person, the ability to contribute, and be a part of a caring, safe and progressive society. 

Muskoka, will we accept this opportunity to show Ontario and Canada we believe in that? With action and words, will we be successful in working together so all in Muskoka may have a future worth celebrating and enjoying a meaningful life without suffering in poverty? 

Let us make the decade from 2022 -2032 the most amazing transformation possible in our collective civil society. 

Now is the time to begin this transformation out of poverty for so many individuals and families. We can and we must succeed together. 

I acknowledge with heartfelt thanks the hundreds of volunteers and organizations in Muskoka who are dedicated to helping our neighbours in need. You are champions! 

Respectfully looking forward to joining everyone in Muskoka in meeting this challenge and having some fun along this path to a new future. 


Gord Durnan, 

Loving Muskoka, past, present and future – Monday, July 25, 2022